Callaway Rogue ST TD LS Driver


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The Rogue ST Triple Diamond LS Driver is a low spin option for better players and is the latest evolution of our TOUR-proven Triple Diamond heads. It’s the lowest spinning Rogue ST Driver model, with a neutral-to-fade bias in a compact 450cc head.

  • The groundbreaking new Tungsten Speed Cartridge structure places up to 26 grams low and deep in the driver head. This increases speed on off-center hits and provides more forgiveness through high MOI.
  • Patented A.I. designed Jailbreak Speed Frame provides stability in the horizontal and torsional direction.
  • As the industry leader in Artificial Intelligence, Callaway Golf added launch and spin to ball speed in our optimization formula. This new formula lowers spin on the face, allowing us to add forgiveness to the driver.
  • This low spin option for better players is the latest version of our TOUR proven Triple Diamond shape. It’s our lowest spin offering, with a compact 450cc head.
  • Head Cover included, adjustment wrench not included.
  • Shafts: Mitsubishi Tensei AV Blue 65, Mitsubishi Tensei AV White 65, Mitsubishi Tensei AV White 75